Monday, November 9, 2020

Creative Searching = Family Discovery

Photo by <a href="">Words as Pictures</a> from <a href="">StockSnap</a>

Searching for details about our ancestors can be like playing Scrabble. Bringing together correct information to win the family history game. Sometimes my tiles are all consonants, sometimes they turn over perfectly.

Before starting the post, want to share one important point. Why I was able to solve this mystery. Easy access to amazing genealogy information and genealogists. Every week I try to attend at least one Facebook Live class or webinar. Read many family history blogs. Doing so, has given me a wonderful arsenal of research tools. These people are so generous with their time and knowledge. So, get connected and further your skills.

On with the game ...

Researching the Czarnecki family line has been extremely difficult. I found many different variations for their Polish surname. Discovered Cherrnewsky, Chernowski, Chernecki, Chenecky and more. Even started a spreadsheet to track to them.

Maryland, District Court, (Roll 11) Petitions 3261-3555
U.S., Naturaliztion Records, 1840-1957

On this Petition for Naturalization, Adam's surname is spelled two different ways. Chanrnecky and Czarnecki. I found the record pretty quickly, as Czarnecki is used frequently.

Next was to find a passenger list. How difficult could that be? We have a date, port of arrival and ship name. Piece of cake! It wasn't. I searched with every spelling in the spreadsheet. 

After many frustrating months, decided to table this goal for another day. In fact, this sat for quite a long time.

One of my favorite blogs to read is "Are You My Cousin?" by Lisa Lisson. Once a week I select a new (to me) post, for information and research tips. Last week's selection was "How to Research Your Ancestor With a "No Surname" Search. Just what I needed! The post gave me hope of solving this research problem.

After reading the post, went back to In the Passenger List database entered information from the Petition For Naturalization. As instructed by Lisa, left off the surname. Added first name, date of birth, arrival location. Also, in keyword placed name of ship

Eureka! We have the Passenger List for Adam and Leonarda. Along with their children. Surname on record is Zennetzki. First time I have seen this name. Original spelling? When and why did Adam change the surname to Czarnecki? 

With this new surname, Polish records may garner additional information. The records can be accessed at the local Family History Center. So, will have to wait until they are again open for business.

Just like a game of Scrabble, I finally have the correct tiles. All because of reading a blog post, and using Ancestry's great search algorithms. Check out the post, and give Lisa's suggestions a whirl. 

Thank you, Lisa! 

To find Lisa:

Are You My Cousin?: Resources & Tools To Confidently Research Your Genealogy

Are You My Cousin? Facebook Page

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